The Johnson's

The Johnson's

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

SUMMER 2013: JUNE 1-6

Here is the events my kids and I will be doing for the week of June 1-6. If anything changes I will message you. Please email me if you want to join us.

Tomorrow we will be at the Midland County Library to sign up for the summer reading program. It is for all ages and they have prizes for the kids. My kids loved it last year.
Also, tomorrow I'm taking my younger children to Barnes & Nobles for story time at 10:30.

June 1- @ 1:00pm Washington Pool
June 3-6 from 9-12 First Pres. Register Here
June 3 @ 1:00pm Washington Pool
June 4 @ 9:30 Taking W to the library for Story time.
June 5- Signing the kids up for Around the Town in 80 days at the Library
         - @1:00pm Washington Pool

If anyone has ideas of things to do please feel free to share. I'm looking to make this summer amazing for my kids and looking forward to hanging out with friends.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Waiting On God

As humans, we are selfish and sometimes mean. We want it our way no matter the cost. A life lesson I learned recently is Gods timing is perfect and Ours isn't! This summer I was praying for a job to work with children but be able to still homeschool and have my babies with me. I heard God tell me He wanted me to do a job like that but I thought it was a different one. I was crushed when I didn't get it. Then I jumped into school without seeking Him first. Well, I was completely overwhelmed and had to drop two classes. Today I found out my childcare will be gone soon. So in order to drop classes without failing I had to act fast and withdrawal.
A few days ago I was asked if I knew of anyone who wanted a job watching children for an organization in Odessa. My heart leapt. Something was stirring inside of me and I emailed back saying I possibly would be interested but needed to pray about it. So, I kept feeling the nudging. I had prayed for this most of the year last year. Was this God actually answering my prayer? Is this where he wanted me? So I cried out to Him. I found out its only 5 children in the morning and a few more in the afternoon. This is perfect! I watched a video immediately after praying this morning about we tend to do what we hate to eventually get to where we want but rarely get there. So, why not just do what you love. I know this video was talking about our selfish desires but God whispered in my ear this morning and said This is your opportunity to do what I've called you to! Love on these babies and their momma's!!!!
Terry agrees with me and now I'm waiting to finalize the offer and start this new journey. Now before I will do anything I will consciously go to God and WAIT for his answer. It will make the stress less because as long as we're in His will then even if its walking through fire he covers our feet.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sometimes I just need a good slap in the face.

When God wants something to change in your life allows your life to have repetitiveness in it!
For me he's telling me to
1. Be more like Jesus and
2. Strive to be a Proverbs 31 Woman.

It is not by coincidence that my church,, is doing a year long study on Center Stage (making Jesus the center of our life) and a blog I follow,, is doing a study on Living Like Jesus, a study on Luke.

To me it was a slap in the face. Yes Jesus Slaps me in the face to get my attention.

Another blog I follow,, wrote an ebook about the Proverbs 31 Woman.
All 3 of these devotionals take about 10-15 minutes each morning and compliment each other.

Thank you Jesus for loving me enough to slap me in the face!/a>!

Here is a page from Proverbs 31 ebook.

How To Be a Treasure To Your Husband
Proverbs 31: 10 “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” A noble wife is rare and extraordinary – just like a ruby. A noble wife is a treasure to her husband – just like a ruby. Do you want to be extraordinary and a treasure to your husband? Then we need to learn to possess a NOBLE character.
So let me tell you what a wife of noble character does not look like:
1. She does not rival her husband. 2. She does not mope around and complain about her housework. 3. She does not overspend and put her family into debt. 4. She is not bored, discontent, greedy or selfish. 5. She does not gossip and slander others. 6. She does not spend her days doing leisurely shopping, texting, emailing, web browsing, watching late night movies, and sleeping in. 7. She does not criticize, mock, or disrespect her husband. 8. She does not have children and a husband who embarrass her. 9. She does not let her outer beauty take precedence over her inner beauty. 10. She does not take God’s word lightly.

A wife of noble character, who can find? She is rare! And when she is found – her value is priceless! She is a treasure to her husband. I want to be that ruby! In order to become like the Proverbs 31 woman, we must humble ourselves and see our flaws. We must be willing to change some things – our attitudes, our thought patterns, our work ethic, our words, and what we spend our time on. But by God’s grace, you can become a woman of noble character! So for today, begin by evaluating yourself against the list above. Which character quality are you weak in? Pray and ask God for the strength to change

(My prayer is to become this woman!)

Stormy's hierarchy of Peeps

Well......I forgot about part two. Maybe one day I will remember.

There are 4 areas I definitely need accountability.

1. Daily Walk With God
2. Wife - what God meant not what I think it means.
3. Mother - What God meant not me!
4. Self - weight, attitude.
5. Friend

1. Yes in that order, sometimes we, and yes I mean I rearrange this but this is the order God wants for my life!! This is why: if we cannot devote ourselves to a powerful prayer life or spend "Quality" time with God daily, then we get get into a funky state and Satan is happy. We, as women, are responsible for praying for our husbands, children, and ourselves. If we are not doing it, then, seriously who will!

2. God has made me a strong, independent woman. He has instilled leadership into my core. But even the strongest leaders will tell you that you have to follow in order to be an effective leader. God appointed my husband as my spiritual leader. He has called me to be submissive. I read a quote once that hit my core qnd tore some ugly pride out. "Our husbands were not out here to be our helpers, we are made to be theirs." OUCH!!! How many times have I griped and complained to our friends about my husband. This saddens God. He wants us to cast our burdens upon Him! If you have a gripe PRAY expecting a change and watch God work. I will start praying God changed my heart.

3. Sometimes I feel like a failure! God has called me to be these precious childrens mom. He's even entrusted children to me that are not my own. He entrusts me with their care. I am to pray circles around them and "train them up in the way they should go so they do not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 God has called me to homeschool. This TERRIFIED me. But God keeps reminding me "He does not call the equipped, he equips the called." John 20:1-31. God has CALLED me.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Not Losing Track of Why! Part 1

I cannot believe it's already July. I am so thankful my husband works so hard I get to stay home with my babies. This summer we have had a few extra friends with us. First, our niece is with us. Kasey has been amazing! She got to go to church camp and had a blast. She is such a help and I've never laughed so hard in my life. We're just silly. I think if anyone was around us would think we are crazy. We have asked her to move in with us but we shall see what she chooses at the end of the month.

Next, we have had Kiley. She is another gem!! She is going into second grade and so mature. Sometimes too mature but I really think Lexi & Kiley balance each other out. Kiley is an amazing swimmer. We had a chance to watch one of her meets. While Kiley swims my Lexi has been dancing all summer. She goes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9-12. She is loving it! She has always been my girlie girl.
And this month we added two more! (big) Logan & Kiler. They definitely keep me on my toes, along with my babies. But, they play great with my babies.

This summer I had the opportunity to lead two women through The Purple Book by Rice Brooks & Steve Murrell. We finished this past week. I learned when you say Yes to God he definitely stretches and grows you! I'm very thankful for these two ladies for sticking by me through my first study to lead. Plus, this book I reccommend to anyone new or mature in their walk with Jesus! It's an amazing foundational book. Definitely plants your feet on the Rock!

We finished it just in time! I start college next Thursday. I LOVE how God shows you he paved the way! I received a letter last month announcing Midland College now offers a program for Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling. I immediately started praying and told God, "We cannot pay for this, You have to pay for this if this is what you wish me to do!" I also asked him to soften my mother & husbands heart. I started checking on how much classes were. To take my history class I need it was going to be $285. I had to retake it so I had to pay a repeat fee. Then, I finished opening my mail and the next thing I opened was a refund Check from the City of Midland for our Water Bill. It was 285.05. I say God gave me a nickle to spare. :) Now isn't God amazing! So, needless to say I will be attending class next Thursday.

God has some more amazing things in store for our family.
To be continued......

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Value of a Dollar

We are trying to teach our kids the value of a dollar by making them earn money for their chores. I decided I would set it up where they can get stickers for what they do and get paid each week. 
 I found a template online for the Chore Charts but you can easily make them with Excel Program. If you have Works I know they have templates.
I got 3 different colored stickers. I have 2 children who I'm doing this for (The 3rd is too small) and then you have a sticker for Mom/Dad. If the child doesn't complete the chore when Mom/Dad feels it was time for then You can do it and they have to PAY you. We do the payment for each chore. For my kids its 25 cents each chore and $1 for each scripture memorized. If they do extra chores that aren't assigned they get $1.

This is the link to get them to print.
I put these on colorful paper to give to the kids each "PayDay" Which in our house is Saturday.

The Jars are: TAX, Child spending, Child Saving & Tithe.
The tax jar is for purchasing big toy items or new things for their playroom they can enjoy together.

At the end of each week I will total up their chart. 
1st thing we pay is 10% Tithe
2nd thing we pay will be 10 % Tax.
3rd thing is 40% Savings
4th thing is 40% whatever they want to do with it.
I personally am only going to let them spend that at the dollar store and then if they want to save up and get something big I will take them to Wal Mart. 
When their savings checks equal $20 we will take them to the bank and let them put cash in their savings account. But the only cash they will receive on Saturday is their tithe. Everything else will be written out with Checks. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


When people detox or cleanse their bodies they are getting rid of the bad in their bodies. By clicking 
 Detox  you can find the meaning of the word in the dictionary. That is exactly what God is doing when he sifts us or prunes us.

Romans 11:11-24 teaches us about God pruning our branches.

Just as our bodies do not like getting rid of the nastiness, neither does our flesh when God does it. A few weeks ago I went through the cleanse phase of the Advocare 24 day challenge. This method is used to get rid of the toxins in Our my body. Right now God is detoxing our my flesh. I am being challenged for 10 days to work on some areas:
1. No Secular Music
2. No Facebook or Pinterest
3. No TV
4. To finish decluttering my home
5. Any time I use a negative work I must  
-Apologize to God and whomever intended for-
-finally, replace with a positive word or thought-

 I love to post pictures of my beautiful family in which I will only use instagram. 
FRIENDS-- I need to be held accountable, these are some major struggles I face. I know they are minor but sometimes it takes getting rid of the minor things to reach the major. 
If we are diligent and trusted to allow God to prune the small branches it helps him to get to the BIG branches. 
I thank each and everyone of  you for loving OUR GOD and me enough to help me. 

I am so thankful today for OUR GOD to love his children  me enough to PRUNE them me. 
