The Johnson's

The Johnson's

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Value of a Dollar

We are trying to teach our kids the value of a dollar by making them earn money for their chores. I decided I would set it up where they can get stickers for what they do and get paid each week. 
 I found a template online for the Chore Charts but you can easily make them with Excel Program. If you have Works I know they have templates.
I got 3 different colored stickers. I have 2 children who I'm doing this for (The 3rd is too small) and then you have a sticker for Mom/Dad. If the child doesn't complete the chore when Mom/Dad feels it was time for then You can do it and they have to PAY you. We do the payment for each chore. For my kids its 25 cents each chore and $1 for each scripture memorized. If they do extra chores that aren't assigned they get $1.

This is the link to get them to print.
I put these on colorful paper to give to the kids each "PayDay" Which in our house is Saturday.

The Jars are: TAX, Child spending, Child Saving & Tithe.
The tax jar is for purchasing big toy items or new things for their playroom they can enjoy together.

At the end of each week I will total up their chart. 
1st thing we pay is 10% Tithe
2nd thing we pay will be 10 % Tax.
3rd thing is 40% Savings
4th thing is 40% whatever they want to do with it.
I personally am only going to let them spend that at the dollar store and then if they want to save up and get something big I will take them to Wal Mart. 
When their savings checks equal $20 we will take them to the bank and let them put cash in their savings account. But the only cash they will receive on Saturday is their tithe. Everything else will be written out with Checks. 

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