The Johnson's

The Johnson's

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stormy's hierarchy of Peeps

Well......I forgot about part two. Maybe one day I will remember.

There are 4 areas I definitely need accountability.

1. Daily Walk With God
2. Wife - what God meant not what I think it means.
3. Mother - What God meant not me!
4. Self - weight, attitude.
5. Friend

1. Yes in that order, sometimes we, and yes I mean I rearrange this but this is the order God wants for my life!! This is why: if we cannot devote ourselves to a powerful prayer life or spend "Quality" time with God daily, then we get get into a funky state and Satan is happy. We, as women, are responsible for praying for our husbands, children, and ourselves. If we are not doing it, then, seriously who will!

2. God has made me a strong, independent woman. He has instilled leadership into my core. But even the strongest leaders will tell you that you have to follow in order to be an effective leader. God appointed my husband as my spiritual leader. He has called me to be submissive. I read a quote once that hit my core qnd tore some ugly pride out. "Our husbands were not out here to be our helpers, we are made to be theirs." OUCH!!! How many times have I griped and complained to our friends about my husband. This saddens God. He wants us to cast our burdens upon Him! If you have a gripe PRAY expecting a change and watch God work. I will start praying God changed my heart.

3. Sometimes I feel like a failure! God has called me to be these precious childrens mom. He's even entrusted children to me that are not my own. He entrusts me with their care. I am to pray circles around them and "train them up in the way they should go so they do not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 God has called me to homeschool. This TERRIFIED me. But God keeps reminding me "He does not call the equipped, he equips the called." John 20:1-31. God has CALLED me.

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